Quarterly MSSP 3-Day Waiver SNF Affiliate  Workgroup

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As part of your participation in the use of the 3-Day Waiver with our affiliate SNF/Swing Beds, please plan to attend our quarterly workgroup. We will review current processes and workflows as well as provide information on the Compliance criteria for using the 3-day waiver. 

If you are not able to attend please verify that someone from your organization will be in attendance as we will review any new or ongoing updates.

Facilitators: CVS Accountable Care VP, ACO Medical Director and Clinical Leaders


When: Once per quarter. Find more information below.


Quarterly MSSP 3-Day Waiver SNF Affiliate Workgroup

Register by clicking your preferred date and completing the linked form.

Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4

    November 20th- Register here