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A second act leads to health care

By Signify Health Team on 1/12/24 10:01 AM

2 min read

Career dreams don’t always work out the we imagine. Luckily for our health plan members, Susan McGinnis’ second act brought her to nursing and to Signify Health. Untitled design (60)

“My childhood dream was to become a famous actress. That didn’t work out, but I’m so glad I became a nurse practitioner instead,” McGinnis said.

After earning a BFA in acting from Emerson College, McGinnis spent a few years in the theaters around Boston. Stints as an award-winning stand-up comedian not only earned her laughs but also paid for nursing school.  

She spent most of her nursing career in VA hospitals, primarily in cardiac and thoracic surgery, including 10 years as a renal NP. After retiring, joining the Signify Health clinician network offered a chance to continue caring for members at a pace that works for her schedule.

“I really enjoy being in the members’ homes. They are so much more comfortable without the stress of travel or getting to an appointment on time. We also have the time to ask the right questions,” she said.

McGinnis appreciates Signify Health’s approach to the member visit, asking questions that help her gauge mental and physical health and whether basic needs are being met. She also enjoys getting to know members and appreciates always feeling welcome.

Health plan members appreciate McGinnis’s efforts to support their wellness and her willingness to rise to the challenge, a CVS Heart at Work behavior. Recently, she went above and beyond to help a stroke survivor during a visit. After learning the member could no longer afford an important medication, she contacted the primary care provider to help close the gap.

She has great advice for clinicians who may be new to Signify Health:

  1. Make a connection with the member: Build them up by complimenting the drapes or admiring their dog. Instilling trust helps members open up.
  2. Rise to the challenge: If there are gaps in care or medicines the member can’t afford, go the extra mile to follow up.

McGinnis earned her BSN from the University of Massachusetts Boston and her Master’s from Northeastern University. In her free time, McGinnis babysits and enjoys hosting events for her large extended family. She adores her 17-year-old identical twin granddaughters and has spent every Friday with them since they were born.