Medication Therapy Management: An Opportunity to Improve Health Outcomes, Star Ratings, and Medicare Advantage Performance

Adults age 65 and older tend to take more medicines than any other age group because they may be managing multiple often complex conditions. As more Medicare aged adults choose to enroll in Medicare Advantage (MA), plans need solutions to support members at increased risk of poor medication adherence, adverse pharmacological interactions, falls, cognitive decline, hospitalizations, and higher mortality.
With a new approach to your Medication Therapy Management program and MA member service strategy, your health plan can help mitigate those health risks and associated costs while driving a valued experience with members, valued insights for your health care providers, while positively impacting your Star and quality measures.
With a new approach to your Medication Therapy Management program and MA member service strategy, your health plan can help mitigate those health risks and associated costs while driving a valued experience with members, valued insights for your health care providers, while positively impacting your Star and quality measures.